20 September 2012

Autumn Online: 'Why I Blog' by McTaggart

Until April this year I knew very little about blogging. I was confused as to what a blog site was and Facebook, I thought they were the same. So it shows how little I knew about the workings of a blog site and the inner workings of social messaging.

This all changed when I was invited along to a blogging workshop at the S.H.P. office at Grays Inn Rd. I was surprised how easy it was to “blog” I didn’t need great computer skills just a basic knowledge of a computer such as how to press a letter on the keyboard to create a word. There were staff on hand to guide me slowly through the “blogging” procedure with plenty of encouragement from the staff and the other users of S.H.P. who were interested in using the S.H.P. blog site “Unheard Holler”.

I and the others were soon blogging away.

What I enjoy about blogging, the word used to describe using a blog site to add new material or update a present blog, is the freedom it gives me to express how I feel about certain issues, share my knowledge, experience or expertise on any subject or life my experiences.

It can be accessed by anyone in the world and they can add their comments to my blog.

I felt proud and very pleased when one of my blogs was picked up by a journalist from the BBC Newsnight programme and he/they ended up using it as the lead article and main theme for the Newsnight programme. It was about the N.H.S. hospitals in London keeping wards empty for the exclusive use of the V.I.P.s Olympic family in case of an accident or illness.  So a blog message can have an influence and effect on people.

On the Unheard Holler blog site I and others can write articles on any topic/subject draw, post photographs, post cartoons or use prose and poetry to express how they feel about anything.

People have blogged about their addiction, their medical assessment procedure, politics, poetry, having a baby, in fact anything they feel strongly about or wish to share their life experiences to encourage or educate others.

Personally I enjoy blogging, (writing), about topics I am interested in or I feel people may like to be informed about.


1 comment:

  1. Nice article Mc T, very encouraging. Would be interesting to find out how you structure and write your posts because I struggle to get the words out and writing posts takes me ages.
