Using drugs has done to me & plenty of others 1 thing & 1 thing only, ruined our lives!! Not many of us become a success, but some of us do. I myself am on the hamster wheel trying yet again to conquer my demons. Methadone is now my drug of choice, which just keeps me stable but, keeps me labelled as an addict. So what’s next? Good question, my answer to that is not exactly new but it has new meaning to me right now. I am in the middle of enrolling on a degree in i.t & computing. Enough is enough, time to achieve something other than being a dropout socially. My aim is to be a network administrator as well as maybe moving over into web design. So my next few years will draw on all my abilities. I for 1 know i can do it as taking drugs has made me an excellent planner, quick thinking on my feet , and setting up my own supply lines selling goods to make money, so study should technically be a walk in a park! I hope that i fulfil my dreams in the near future & move on to living a fruitful life.
Owen G
Good Luck. Work hard to achieve what you want to.