In fact the attack on the low wage earner
and the people on benefits began just after Christmas with the right wing
Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne demanding that the National State
Welfare budget be cut by £10 billion. Where did that figure come from? Was it
just plucked out of the air as a good “sound bite” figure to ensure the
headlines would follow in the Daily Express and the Daily Mail?
I have not seen any figures to justify this
claim that it is £10 billion that needs to be cut from the Welfare budget. It
appears to tally with the Tory led coalition aim to cut the loan deficit.
I am also astonished, as far as I have
seen/heard at the way the media such as the BBC television and radio channels,
Channel 4 or the ITV news have never crossed examined the Chancellor of the
Exchequer George Osborne on how he came to this conclusion. Just a thought, I find it a wee bit strange
that you never see George Osborne give interviews. Is that due to his past performances
in live interviews and gaffe blown comments?
On Tuesday 8th January 2013 the
House of Commons voted to restrict any rise of benefits of working age to 1%
over the next 3 years. This included Working Tax Credits, a payment by the taxpayer to boost the pay of low-paid workers rather than have the worker being
paid a living wage by the large companies who make billion of pounds profit to
pay their shareholders a large dividend at the tax payer’s expense.
When I say shareholders I am not talking
about the person in the street who may have a few shares in a company but the
very large global companies listed on the London, New York and the Tokyo stock
exchange which make billions of pounds/dollars profit every year.
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