23 June 2012

The Olympics 2012 and Corporate Greed

I am not against the Olympic or the Paralympic Games. What I am against is the way the large corporate companies take over my and your lives.

These large capitalist companies believe just because they pay a few bob (which no-one asked them to, it is their choice to do this) then they can go against people’s rights and freedom with the implicit help of the Government and the local authorities, because they paid for it.
Did you or I ask for the disruption so the so-called V.I.P.s of the Olympic Mafia could drive by in their free limousines, digesting their sumptuous breakfast at the tax payer’s expense, whilst you, I and others are suffering the Tory-led coalition austerity cuts, and whilst the people who fuelled this are feeding us the nonsense that we live in free and democratic country?
Why are you and I being told that the corporate takeover of the streets of London by the so-called “Olympic Family “is for the benefit of the people who live and work in London every day?
People who have paid vast sums of money to have a family day at the Olympic stadium will have their food and drink confiscated so they are coerced into buying food and drink at extortionate prices because the greedy corporate companies such as McDonald’s feel they have bought the rights and therefore bought you, your friends and family. 
If you refuse to give up your food and drink you will be refused entry, with the help of the police which are paid for by the tax payer and not by McDonald’s or any of the corporate fat cats.
You will be treated as a criminal for trying to bring your own food into an Olympic event.



  1. The best thing you can do is BOYCOTT the games.

    What is the sense of being obliged to buy what is on offer in the stadiums if competition is being stifled by the Olympic Committee.

    The EU Zone was proposed so that ALL businesses could have a level playing field. If it is not the case all businesses can FREELY SHARE the spectacles "consumers" within Olympic grounds, they are not entering the spirit of competition (which is supposed to be AMATEURS ONLY).

    I do not like McDonalds Burgers... they are like thin pieces of cardboard to me... but nor do I enjoy Burger King Chips.

    If the small print does not advise you about food and drink and you are prohibited entry into the games... you should have the consumer right to a refund.

    1. My little sister is going to the olympics tomorrow and she has to take £10 so she can buy a back-up lunch in case hers gets confiscated. WoW! The things people do for money... I mean she's nine!

  2. The corporate greed has engulfed the sporting arena by way of sponsoring the games. The make money out of everything, even the sports.
