28 June 2013

Who else can say they have had Rihanna swinging over their head?

A case study about one blogger's learning journey

1.    What was your situation before you got interested in learning?

I was homeless for several years sleeping rough with friends. I managed to get a room in a B & B and received Housing Benefit from Camden Council as it was on their registered list. New owners took over and decided they could evict us and turn in into a backpacker’s hostel. We organised ourselves into an action group fought our case with the help of Shelter and other agencies. After several months of campaigning I was eventually offered a studio flat in Holborn by Camden Council Housing Dept. I think it was to get me off their back and our campaigning.  I would have lost my credibility if Camden Housing had said that I had been offered accommodation and had refused it.  Due to my situation I found it difficult to take up or continue any learning course.

2.    How did you first became interested in learning and what motivated you to take part?

I have always been interested in learning and was always encouraged in this by my parents especially my mother. I enjoy reading and learning I would read all sorts of books but I was never very responsible about doing my homework. When I was younger I did not take learning seriously.  I now feel learning and education as a way to empower oneself. I have learnt that the establishment or officials do not like it when you can put forward your case in an informed manner.

3.    What has changed for you as a result of getting involved in learning?

From my learning I have been able to improve myself. Learnt more about life and how to deal with circumstances that affect me. I think of the people who have fought for their rights as a human being and suffered and died for it.   How learning enabled them to fight for justice. Through my learning, education and experience I have been able to support and help others. On example of this is when we were issued with the eviction notice by the owners of the B & B/hostel. They thought because we were a mixture of the homeless, refugees and asylum seekers we are stupid and would just accept it and leave quietly. We did not, we organised and mounted a public campaign against this and exposed how the Camden Council were not fulfilling their legal obligations.  This was done under duress and bullying at the beginning by the staff and owners of the B & B. This soon stopped. This would not have happened if I and the others had not learnt not to accept what you are told even if it is in a legal document.

4.    How have you progressed on your learning journey?

I progressed in my learning by taking a free course in the European Computer driving License, (ECDL), at Kingsway College, in Grays Inn Rd. Kings Cross. After doing an IT exam at the Working Men’s College I saw a small note on a notice board advertising a Hand Reflexology class for Self-Treatment I enrolled and one thing led to another. After several years of training I am now qualified to practice in Reflexology, Indian Head Massage both by the awarding body VCTV, (Vocational Training Charitable Trust), Holistic Body Massage, ITEC, (International Therapy Examination Council), and Reiki level Two.  All my qualifications are recognised world wide. I appear to have a feel and aptitude for it. I am currently volunteering at the Stress Project in Holloway treating people with mental and physical problems as a Complementary Therapist. Another of my voluntary commitments is the Frontline Forum Camden, a drug and alcohol recovery user forum.   I have been involved with the Tenants Association where I live.  I often “blog” on SHP blog site “Unheard Holler” where I blog under a “nom de plume” and encourage others to become active “bloggers”.  Last year I volunteered to assist going around the SHP hostels to encourage residents to become involved in IT and blogging. I currently sing with the London Symphony, (LSO), Community Choir and snug in the Blues class at the Working Men’s College. I recently sang with the LSO Community Choir with the full LSO orchestra at the Barbican Concert.  Oh, I nearly forgot to mention, I just remembered that I performed at the opening and closing ceremony of the Paralympics Games. It took weeks of rehearsals, long hours and practice but it was a great feeling walking out to a full and boisterous stadium at the opening ceremony. The closing ceremony was a great celebration of the event. It was a unique experience to be amongst the best in the world at whatever they compete at. Who else can say they have had Rihanna swinging over their head?

5.    What do you hope to do next?

I hope to become self employed and have my own business as a Complementary Therapist. I have been attending seminars on how to run your business and related topics such as tax payments and book-keeping at the City Business Library. I intend to develop my singing as I enjoy it. I will also continue to give my time to help and encourage people. Basically I will continue to develop my skills and abilities in what I enjoy doing. I believe learning develops one as a person and helps to keep the brain ticking over.


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