14 September 2012

Autumn Online with Peter: "I want to write a book called 'Hell on Earth'"

My name is Peter Lewis Goldsmith, I am 31 years old, soon I’m gonna be 32.
Today I have spent a few hours learning editing skills and making videos for my children as I am going away to Detox and rehab on Monday for 6 months.
I thought I’d write a book during that time, to share some experiences with you. All the best

What’s the title of the book you want to write?

 ‘Hell on Earth’
I’ve experience life at the bottom, rock bottom. And I’ve experienced life at the top. That’s why I’ve got fire in my belly …I ain’t took drugs for 6 months …life could be really good. You could be happy.

What’s a good life?

Seeing my family all the time, providing for my family.
If my son wants new trainers, if my missus wants a new perfume. That makes a big difference, that’s why people work. If you don’t look after your wife, some other man will look after her.
Me and my wife we’ve been together 5 years…she’s a police officer now. She knows I’m not always going to be in this position. If you don’t go to rehab she said it’s over. It’s worth it. We might be together 40 years, what’s 6 months?
There’s nothing more important than your family. I want my son and my daughter to look up to me. I don’t want them to think their dad lives in a hostel for drug addicts.

Why did you decide to get married?
I got married when I was living in Leeds up north. I married her cause I loved her so much. I asked her to marry me about 2 weeks before she found out she was pregnant.

How did you feel when she told you that?
It was a bit of a relief for me and for her, to know we could have kids.
We were together for 4 years, sleeping together and it became a little bit of a joke, ‘you’re not having a baby, eh?’ It was my first kid. The best day of my life. Then my son was born.  Another best day of my life. Then when I got off methadone.

Do you think the methadone helps?
No, not really, they just replace the drug you were using before with another one.
Giving some 1 Methadone to get off Heroin is like giving someone Heroin to get off Cannabis, the Meth is 20 times worse 20 times more addictive and 20 times harder to get off than Heroin, but hey if the Government do anything that makes any sense, something is probably wrong!!!

Peter Goldsmith 15/09/2012

1 comment:

  1. This is so moving. You're doing yourself and your family proud.
