06 June 2012

It was Just an Oversight

Recently, a mother of a disabled child was prosecuted by the Department for Work and Pensions for not declaring earnings she received whilst claiming benefit. One could say the mother was 'on the fiddle'.

It was a part time job cleaning a pub for 10 hours a week to help her provide the extras needed for her disabled child.

The mother said it was an oversight and had intended to declare the earnings but just never got around to it. She had offered to repay the money she had received in benefit.

The mother was ordered to repay the money, which she had already offered to do, and was given a suspended prison sentence. The mother was spared a custodial sentence only because she had a disabled child and the child would probably have been taken into care.

It was an oversight”, said Baroness Warsi after being caught fiddling her House of Lords expenses.

The good Baroness was claiming £165.50 a night for a room she never paid any money for! Baroness Warsi claims (?!!!) she only stayed there twice a week for 6 weeks. That amounts to £1,986.

Not just that, the person, her friend, whom she pleads she paid the rent money to, was living there rent-free.

Why should anyone pay rent money to a friend who is living there rent-free? Either he is ripping her off or there was no money paid, apart from the Tax Payer paying the Tory Party Co-Chairperson. Remember 'we are all in this together', preaches Baroness Warsi at every opportunity she can get.

The good Baroness is quoted saying: “Due to an oversight, for which I take full responsibility, the flat was not included on the Register of Lords’ Interests when its value and the rent received came to exceed the thresholds for disclosure.”

An oversight?

This is the woman who is Co-Chairperson of the Tory Party, the leading party of the coalition in government, who attends meetings at the highest level and steers the Tory party policies.

As yet no action has been taken against the good Baroness, either by the authorities or by the Prime Minister, David Cameron. He has decided there is no case to answer, no inquiry to be held, and defiantly no resignation.

The Baroness admits to the fiddle but as far as the good “Lady” is concerned that is the matter finished with.

No investigation, no charges brought, and defiantly no disciplinary action by the Prime Minister, he who promised to rid the House of Commons of sleaze and corruption, the Tory party or Uncle Tom Cobbly and all.

Compare this to the case of the mother with a disabled child, who was earning about £50.00 a week to help provide for herself and her disabled child. Who was hauled through the court system, photographed, D.N.A. samples taken and finger printed, and now has a criminal record. Spent months not knowing of her or her child’s future, as she may have been sent to prison.

This is a person who would be labeled by the good Baroness Warsi as a “scrounger” and “benefit fiddler”.

The £1,986.00 that the Baroness claimed probably illegally would take the mother working as a cleaner, at £50.00 a week, approximately 40 weeks, that is 10 months, to earn.

Can anyone see the comparison and discrepancies in the two cases of fiddling the tax payer?


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