21 April 2015

Art is Life, Life is Art

I was excited at the chance to attend the community journalism workshop as I have a love of art and culture and wanted to speak up for art in the up coming election .

Art is a positive way of learning about myself and expression my emotions and feelings, something that I have not felt safe to do in the past and when I did try it could be negative and self destructive.

I really would like as many people, adults and children, who may not have the chance or the belief in themselves that they can be creative and that creativity is a process open to all regardless of background .

I support Bob and Roberta smith campaign and manifesto at this election where Bob is
standing as a independent against Michael Gove in Surrey Green . Bob's manifesto is bringing the attention of the importance of art in our culture and to create a new educational approach, in the model of Black Mountain College.

We went along to the Handel Street Project Gallery where Bob and Roberta's art is being exhibited.

Lets hope that all of us who love art can help shape the future to maintain the importance of art and creativity within our lives and community and the political process. I for one have touched the essence of this Anni Albers quote:

“it is an adventure which can permeate ones whole being. Self confidence can grow and a longing for excitement can be satisfied without external means within oneself for creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know."
Anni Albers; Black Mountain Bulletin no 5 1938

Dan Harper

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