13 March 2014

More Poetry, some food for thought from someone new to the world of Blogging

A Friend is a Treasure

A friend is a treasure
A friend is someone we turn too, when our spirit needs a lift
A friend is someone we will treasure
For our friendship is a gift
A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy & grace & makes the world we live in, a better & happier place.

What are you looking at?

A little girl stood looking up in to the sky intently
As other children arrived they too started doing the same.
One child said what are you looking at? I can’t see anything
The little girl said I don’t know what you are looking for, but I have a crick neck.  I have to keep looking up.  I can’t look down.

Linette Green



  1. Thanks for sharing your poetry with us.

  2. Great bit of poetry. Thanks for sharing it with us.
