23 September 2013

The Mental Health Forms

Being a service user in the mental health system, I have to fill out forms. Forms most users get another person to help them with. They are long, and very detailed.

The first one you fill in you understand it being long and detailed. This is how they get to know you, to make their decision.  When you get your second, third and so on, they send the same form, the same length, the same amount detail. It made me wonder.

Have they lost all the details I sent the first time? Why is there not a follow up form for long term ill people? Do they think I have been cured in-between forms? Do they think I and my team of professionals, who help, would be dishonest?

I have been given professionals to help me, I didn’t hire them myself. They also write to back up the forms, so they know who they are.  So if they all agree (because it is a team, not an individual who helps.) Why do the people who pay me, show such doubt? 

To fill in the book they send I need someone to give me some time. It takes a few hours, sometimes more if my head is in a bad state. Then I have to remember to get letters from others. Then I worry and fret. Then I fret and worry. If I’m in a bad mental health state, than I can close off from the world. Why don’t they believe me? Why are they checking again? Why is this happening to me? Paranoia starts to run rampant.

So my mental health at the beginning has fallen as I fill the form. I’m stressed. Now I’m wondering; why they just couldn’t be bothered to write a follow up form? Why can’t they be bothered to understand people with mental health conditions?

For Information and help on any mental health issues go to Mind.

©Louise Goodson/Magicmayflower.

1 comment:

  1. Louise,
    It seems to me knowing how people are treated so easily by the powers that BEt into being forced guinea pigs, that it all stems from "them", pc and cohorts, by getting away with labelling people as
    dis-abled. Being debilitised my initials make me describable as being deabled.
    Maybe that is a start describe debility as a deablement and avoid using the inanimate object word of abuse disabled
