20 September 2013

A Touching Thank You from a Baby in the Mother’s Womb

I felt very emotional when I saw this photograph of a baby apparently thanking the surgeon for healing him of Spina Bifida and probably saving his life.

This photo was taken just as the operation was ending and the surgeon was about to close the opening in the womb. This occurred when the surgeon Dr. Joseph P. Bruner Director of Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre in Nashville, U.S.A. Spina Bifida is a disabling birth defect which may affect two out of every thousand babies.
Dr Bruner says he was stunned and was overcome with emotion when he saw this little just formed hand stretch out and grip his finger. For a moment he could not move as the tiny hand held his finger apparently in gratitude for his skill and work to give him a normal life.
After all the sad and dismaying news that appears in the media I felt it was a very uplifting article.
It annoys and frustrates me that the government spends billions of pounds of tax payer’s money on developing and maintaining arms and technology to kill people and destroy the environment plus the millions spent on researching and developing biological and chemicals for use against people or to export to other countries. Whilst all the research into developing cures and treatment for diseases and illness such as cancer research and disabling conditions such as Spina Bifida is left to charities funded by donations from the public.


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